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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A composition on bhagwAn shrI rAma (in samskrita) ..

हरिः ॐ
श्री मूल रामॊ विजयते
श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम सुज्नानकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम अज्नानहरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम सत्कामकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम दुष्कामहरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम जयविजयकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम जयविजयहरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम बहुपुण्यकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम ममपापहरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम भयभयंकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम भयभयंहरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम बहुब्रुहत्करः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम बहुब्रुहत् हरः

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम क्शराक्षरकरः
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम ॐकारकरः

श्री क्रिष्णार्पणमस्तु हरिः ॐ
hariH oum
shrI mUla rAmO vijayate

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma sujnAnakaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma ajnAnaharaH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma satkAmakaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma duShkAmaharaH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma jayavijayakaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma jayavijayaharaH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma bahupuNyakaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma mamapApaharaH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma bhayabhayaMkaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma bhayabhayaMharaH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma bahubruhatkaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma bahubruhat haraH

shrI rAma raghurAma rAmaramaramaNa tava nAma shrI rAma kSarAkSharakaraH
shrI rAma shrI rAma rAmaramaramaNa shrI rAma tava nAma oumkArakaraH

shrI kriShNArpaNamastu hariH oum

हरिः ॐ (salutations to shrI hari)
श्री मूल रामॊ विजयते (shrI mUla (true form of) raama will be victorious)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण (raama who is the ramaNa (husband/pati) of rama (she who is pleasing/attractive)) तव (your) नाम (name) श्री राम (i am addressing shrI raama here) सुज्नानकरः (karaH: hand-action-cause) (su: good ) (jnaana: knowledge, information that is known) (sujnaana: knowledge of himself that is shrI raama) (सुज्नानकरः : shrI rAma is the installer/educator of knowledge about himself in us)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम अज्नानहरः (destroyer of all kind of ignorance blocking one from acquiring sujnaana)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम सत्कामकरः (the installer of good/saatvik kaama (desires) )
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम दुष्कामहरः (the destroyer of bad/evil kaama (desires) )

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम जयविजयकरः (the maker of jaya and vijaya: here i am referring to raama as vishNu (who did raamaavataara) roopa, and hence jaya and vijaya are the two dwaarapaalakaas of vaikuMTa lOka, namely jaya and vijaya) (alternatively, it can also be considered as the bringer of victory)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम जयविजयहरः (jaya vijaya haraH: here, i am referring jaya and vijaya as the two brothers kuMbhakarNa and rAvaNa. Note: jaya and vijaya were cursed by braHma dEva's mAnasa putra, to take birth as raakshasaas on earth for three times over)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम बहुपुण्यकरः (his name manifests puNya (the fruit of all good deeds) in us)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम ममपापहरः (he is the destroyer of the fruits of all my bad actions)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम भयभयंकरः (the installer of all kinds of fear in the hearts of enemies)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम भयभयंहरः (he is the destroyer of all kinds of fear in the hearts of his bhaktAs)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम बहुब्रुहत्करः (he is the creator of braHma that is the "very big" -- note: here again i am referring to his mUla rOpa, that is vishNu)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम बहुब्रुहत् हरः (he is also the destroyer of the biggest of the big evils, that is ignorance about shrI raama. This is what happened to rAvana)

श्री राम रघुराम रामरमरमण तव नाम श्री राम क्शराक्षरकरः (kshara means that which is perishable: material world, akshara means that which is imperishable that is sIta (: lakshmi). Thus, क्शराक्षरकरः, ksharaaksharakaraH, means, is the source/creator of the material world and the non-material world)
श्री राम श्री राम रामरमरमण श्री राम तव नाम ॐकारकरः (his form is that of the A.U.M)

श्री क्रिष्णार्पणमस्तु हरिः ॐ (this composition, i submit at the lotus feet of lord shrI krishNa, with utmost humility. salutations to shrI hari)

This is a humble composition offering my complete surrender and services to GOD: lord shrI raama. My samskrita knowledge is extremely limited and scarce at best and i request lord shrI rAma to kindly pardon me for committing any sins while composing this, and elsewhere. If you find any mistakes in this composition, please dont hesitate to write to me at sunilanandatheertha on gmail. Thank you.

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